Beneath the Surface
If it was only as easy as addressing what’s on the surface.
Many of our addictions, struggles, and unhealthy ways of thinking and being, are rooted in some thing or set of things that run so much deeper than what we see on the surface.
Whenever I see a picture of an iceberg, I’m reminded of how important it is to DIG DEEP. To stay with the deeper work. To be willing to go to the places that have been covered up for so long.
Whenever I get to work with a client on this level, I know I am in a SACRED space. It is an HONOR and a RESPONSIBILITY to be there.
Maybe not surprisingly, over time I’ve realized that for the most part, this is the only level that I want to work.
Not all clients are ready for that and that’s absolutely OK. Timing is so important. Never to be underestimated.
Although sometimes we just need a little tug. Sometimes we just need to know that we will not be alone. And sometimes, yes, we might need a big whack on the head. Ultimately though, we get to choose. Amen for that.
And.. if there’s anything that my 25 years of working with human beings in the space of personal growth and development has taught me, it is that big change requires big work. It is not for the faint at heart. There is no magic bullet or quick fix.
In my adult life, I have had to do my own big work. About five years ago I dedicated myself to healing my mother wound. Out of that work came my mother daughter retreats and so much more.
Out of that work, I became BRAVER. I claimed my WHOLE STORY, even the ugliest parts of it. Most importantly, I opened myself up to do deeper work with other AMAZING human beings.
My BIG work fed their BIG work. How cool is that!?
The other big piece of work I did was around my ADDICTION TO DOING.
My addiction to doing it all, having it all, and being seen as someone who can get it all done. I was telling myself a lie and that lie ran out. I am still in the midst of healing this one, but I am committed. The journey is hard but so worthy.